Dubble Grape is the encounter between Sour Dubble and the renowned Grape Pie BX, resulting in a fruity sour hybrid of high potency. A variety that brings together highly appreciated characteristics by the growers. It presents very stable and homogeneous plants that develop vigorously, with a remarkable ramification and a great structure. A variety that offers a high production with the harvest ready in 8-9 weeks of flowering.
Dubble Grape, high potency with sour and ripe fruit flavours Dubble Grape offers sour flavours and aromas much appreciated in the US and throughout all the cannabis community. They are accompanied by a ripe fruit burst, resulting in a perfect combination that permeates the palate.
Dubble Grape, excellent extraction yields
Dubble Grape is an outstanding plant to perform all kinds of extractions, offering a great return in resin production with a fantastic terpenes profile, large amounts of high quality trichomes that cover all the flowers.
Cannarado Genetics Dubble Grape info:
Genetics: Sour Dubble x Grape Pie BX
Indica Sativa hybrid
Indoor flowering: 8-9 weeks
Outdoor harvest: Early October
Indoor yield: 500-600g per m2
Outdoor yield: 〉1000g per plant
THC: High
Ideal for resin extractions
10 feminized seeds